Loving remembrance and a piece of companionship – Loving remembrance and a piece of companionship – that is the purpose of funeral floristry. Through that is the purpose of funeral floristry. Through the chosen flowers, their colours and the type of the chosen flowers, their colours and the type of work, the appreciation for the deceased is work, the appreciation for the deceased is expressed. To give new ideas and impulses again expressed. To give new ideas and impulses again and again in the midst of the daily demands of a and again in the midst of the daily demands of a florist, that is the task of our magazine VIEW florist, that is the task of our magazine VIEW TRAUER. TRAUER.
BLOOM’s VIEW Trauer 2020
34,90 €
Incl. 7% VAT Plus shipping
120 pages, format 23,5 x 33 cm, text: german
SKU: BLVT-2020
Categories: BLOOM's magazines, BLOOM's View, Single issues
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